The WordPress theme Satisfy can be translated into many different languages. It also supports multilingual plugins like Polylang and Wpml. But some dynamic texts doesn't get picked up automatically by those plugins. To fix that follow the steps below: (if you have premium there's no need for this fix).

  1. Create a file called "wpml-config.xml" and add the contents below to it, or hit the download button.
  2. Upload the file to satisfys theme folder on your website (wp-content/themes/satisfy/). If you have a child theme of Satisfy put it there instead, and change the "theme_mods_satisfy" text in the file to "theme_mods_satisfy-child" (your child themes directory name).
  3. Done! The dynamic texts can now be translated from Wpmls or Polylangs "Strings translations page".

(wpml-config.xml – Download)

<key name="theme_mods_satisfy">
<key name="satisfy_new_slogan" />
<key name="satisfy_tagline" />
<key name="footer_text" />